8.6. ZooKeeper

This tab covers ZooKeeper settings. Here you can set properties for ZooKeeper servers as well as some advanced properties. Click the name of the group to expand and collapse the display


Table 3.17. ZooKeeper Settings: ZooKeeper Server

Name Notes

ZooKeeper Server hosts

This value is prepopulated based on your choices on previous screens. The host that is assigned to run ZooKeeper Server.

ZooKeeper directory

Data directory for ZooKeeper.

Length of single Tick

The length of a single tick in milliseconds, which is the basic time unit used by ZooKeeper

Ticks to allow for sync at Init

Amount of time in ticks to allow followers to connect and sync to a leader

Ticks to allow for sync at Runtime

Amount of time in ticks to allow followers to connect

Port for Running ZK Server

Port for running ZK server


Table 3.18. ZooKeeper Settings: Advanced

Name Notes
ZooKeeper Log Dir Directory for ZooKeeper log files
ZooKeeper PID Dir Directory for the PID files for ZooKeeper processes

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