On the new host, install the Server as described in Running the Installer, Sections 2.1 and 2.2.
Stop the Server so that you can copy the old database data to the new Server.
ambari-server stop
Restart the PostgreSQL instance.
service postgresql restart
Open the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
su - postgres psql
Using the interactive terminal, drop the databases created by the fresh install.
drop database ambari; drop database ambarirca;
Check to make sure the databases have been dropped.
The databases should not be listed.
Create new databases to hold the transferred data.
create database ambari; create database ambarirca;
Exit the interactive terminal
Copy the saved data from Back up Current Data to the new Server.
cd /tmp scp -i <ssh-key> root@<original-server>/tmp/dbdumps/*.sql/tmp (Note: compress/transfer/uncompress as needed from source to dest) psql -d ambari -f /tmp/ambari.sql psql -d ambarirca -f /tmp/ambarirca.sql
Start the new Server.
<exit to root> ambari-server start
On each Agent host, start the Agent.
ambari-agent start
Open Ambari Web. Point your compatible browser to:
Go to Services -> MapReduce and use the Management Header to Stop and Start the MapReduce service.
Start other services as necessary.
The new Server is ready to use.